
星期五,2018年12月7日- 10:46

来自客户服务部门的聊天机器人, 内容管理 on social networks and the use of drones, human beings are already collaborating with technology and still, 许多人担心自动化.

尽管根据未来学家的说法, 到2030年,85%的工作还没有被创造出来, 对人类技能的需求,比如思维敏捷性, 弹性, 沟通, 批判性思维会随着时间的推移而成长. 不过, according to a study by the Strada Institute for the Future of Work, higher education is not on the same page with the changing labor market, 学生们准备得越来越少.

The 沟通 of student's skills to the workforce should be more precise to connect three critical audiences: people looking for a good job, 雇主寻找最好的候选人, 以及想要创造优秀课程的教育者. Human skills are among the most demanded in the world today and, although they are applied differently according to the field, they must be efficient and translated regarding relevance and application.

The problem with liberal arts is that although their results are positive, 比STEM领域更难预测. 即便如此, liberal arts graduates are better at identifying and understanding human skills such as creativity, 批判性思维, 情商, 和沟通. As machines increasingly assume predictable activities of the workday, these skills will be essential to adapt and grow throughout their working lives.

Technology will create job opportunities for people who master those human skills that machines can not replicate: social and emotional capacities, 传授知识和经验的能力, 培养和发展他人的能力, 等等....... More than being automated, technology will make the workforce more human.


Liberal arts graduates discover the power of combining technological fluency with human skills as their careers advance. But although they usually work in fields such as social media marketing, 内容管理, 新闻, 数字营销, 媒体制作, 和技术写作, many times they have to guess how their education translates into work opportunities.

这项研究对250多人进行了调查,000 interviews where liberal arts graduates rated the value of their education as low as they feel they are less likely to see if their classes were useful and that they acquired the skills sought by employers.

以STEM课程为例, 59%的人认为他们的课程有用, but graduates have less confidence in their human skills than careers such as language and philosophy. 然而, 不幸的是, this type of data is lost when measuring the success of graduates since the data of economic gain do not include liberal arts graduates.

Failure to adequately communicate students' abilities

In order to improve the reputation of careers in liberal arts, universities must figure out how to translate the humanistic skills students possess into fundamental skills demanded by the workforce. Only 11% of business leaders believe that graduates have the skills they seek.

To eliminate the gap between the skills developed by institutions of higher education and those sought by employers, 它们必须使用相同的语言来描述它们. Terms such as "沟通" or "批判性思维" used by universities are too broad and fail to explain what they mean to employers adequately.

这里和那里的小调整是不够的. Universities need new programs that help students identify the skills that companies seek and those they possess. These models will help them to position themselves better in the market and have a better transition to the workforce.


为新的工作做好准备, students need assessments and careers with a 21st-century curriculum focused on problem-solving rather than memorization.

The biggest challenge for teachers will be to transfer what students have learned in the classroom to something that they’ll use in different contexts. 经常, students can not make connections between what they know and how to apply it in the real world, 这使得招聘变得困难.

因此, it is necessary for universities to apply problem-based models that allow students to connect concepts in a multitude of disciplines. This would also enable educators to stay ahead and develop new courses in emerging skills such as data analysis, 该区块链, web development or 数字营销; skills students will need to be successful at work.


Universities and employers fail to recognize the credentials of graduates since they often focus on where they studied instead of how well students learned and how they can apply their knowledge. This evaluation requires better learning assessment tools to help the student translate their skills to employers.

此外, 57% of employers do not trust their ability to identify and recruit highly qualified candidates. 也, 93% of CEOs recognize that they must change their strategy to attract and retain talent, 但61%的人还没有迈出第一步. 应对未来的就业挑战, taxonomies must be decoded and ways to translate the skills sought by employers and training systems.

最后, the liberal arts provide the skills employers are demanding, 但企业并没有考虑到这一点. Universities need to be the bridge between students and employers. 为了实现它, 沟通 between universities and employers should be improved so they can decode the human skills necessary for the future. Preparing students and educational pathways along with the understanding of jobs will build promising avenues for the future of work.
