


There was a time when the things that made a great doctor were a license to practice, 医学澳门合法赌场官网知识, 了解最新的手术和治疗方法, 对病人态度也很好. 虽然这些都是必需的功能, today’s clinician must have a whole new level of expertise that goes far beyond medicine.

临床医生现在必须精通技术, 比如人工智能, 数据分析, 可穿戴设备和物联网, 以及许多其他复杂的解决方案. The growing role of technology is driven by economic pressures to reduce cost while increasing quality, managing the complexity of patients with chronic diseases and the need to collaborate across providers, payers and patients within electronic health record (EHR) systems that may still be working out their kinks.

除了学习数字化转型, medical students are now being taught how to better interact with patients to improve the patient experience and to understand the social factors that impact patients. 大多数医学院已经调整了他们的课程,包括 人文学科的核心要求以及商业和领导力培训. 最近的一次 研究在 普通内科杂志 showed that medical students exposed to the humanities demonstrate higher levels of positive traits, 比如同理心, 自我效能和空间推理.

Training that moves outside the traditional medical student curriculum is better preparing future clinicians to hone their skills 在 humanities, business and computer science to better meet a changing profession that emphasizes three key areas: digital transformation, 协作和患者体验.


作为医生的报销 继续收缩, 他们需要找到提高绩效的方法, 精简行政程序, reduce patient wait times and determine the most cost-effective and beneficial care plans for patients. Digital transformation is helping them achieve these goals through new software for better clinical management, 物联网和可穿戴技术远程监控患者, 以及人工智能来辅助诊断, 举几个例子

And, 随着电子病历使用的增加, knowing how to develop and use 数据分析 may be almost as important for today’s doctors as learning how to perform surgery or diagnose diseases. EHRs are built upon vast amounts of data that that can become treasure troves of patient information.

Today, clinicians have new tools that collect, analyze and crunch data to document clinical care. Clinical data warehouses are helping them organize data regarding specific diseases or quality indicators, and population health analytics are allowing them to identify predictive characteristics for populations at risk. 另外, 机器学习算法正在支持他们的决策, helping them identify abnormalities on X-rays or the likelihood that a particular patient will be readmitted to the hospital. Knowing how to harness these technologies is imperative to their livelihood.


今天,许多成年人都在照顾之下 多个医生 治疗特定疾病. And it’s not only doctors – they’re also under the care of non-MD clinicians, 比如医生的助手, 物理治疗师或社会工作者. 加入到这个不断增长的生态系统中, care delivery is shifting away from traditional single offices to large health systems with multiple locations. 出于这些原因, greater collaboration among providers and health systems is required to address the whole care of the patient and to ensure a patient’s journey is recorded and shared.

此外, 从按服务收费向以价值为基础的护理转变 payments is forcing clinicians to become more involved 在 process of payments and to fully understand the role of medical payers.

出于这些原因, greater collaboration among providers, health systems and payers is required. Clinicians must not only be well-versed in critical communication capabilities, but they also must encompass a clear understanding of business processes and organizational best practices.


The growing consumerism of healthcare is putting patients 在 driver’s seat and forcing clinicians to find new ways to attract and reta在m. 出于这个原因, ramping up value-based care initiatives and improving the patient experience are top priorities for health IT leaders in 2019, 根据… 最近的调查 斯托尔滕贝格咨询公司. The 同样的调查 found that 42% of more than 100 health IT leaders indicated that updating technology to improve the patient experience was their primary goal for 2019.

这是如何实现的呢? Interactive dashboards and workflow management solutions are enabling clinicians to decrease patient wait times and keep appointments on time. 除此之外, 床边的平板电脑 are enabling patients to stay connected to social media sites and other entertainment, while also bringing them educational information to improve their health. And, remote monitoring devices and mobile apps are letting patients recover 在 comfort of their homes, which is a big draw for elderly or physically impaired patients who have difficulty traveling to appointments.

In addition to understanding the underlying technologies enabling higher levels of patient experience, today’s clinicians need to understand how to engage patients in dialogue, make patients feel more comfortable and educate patients so that they become partners 在ir health journeys, 而不是被动地听从医嘱的人.

Doctors coming out of medical school today are entering an environment that is vastly different from what it was even five years ago. 然而, equipped with an understanding of the innovative technologies helping them better meet patient needs, the value-based models driving new approaches to patient care and the skills to better engage with patients, they’re ushering in a new generation of healthcare with a good prescription for success.
