
的 Blumberg Center supports ISU students through professional development, 奖学金, and educational support.


的 Blumberg Scholarship plays an important role in preparing students for jobs in Special Education and Communication Disorders, fields in which there is a tremendous shortage of qualified people in Indiana and across the United States.  Through the work of Indiana State University graduates, the Blumberg legacy continues to touch the lives of children with special needs in Indiana and elsewhere.  One scholarship will be awarded to an incoming freshman, majoring in Special Education or Communication Disorders.  的 scholarship is renewable for up to four years.  For more details and to apply for the Blumberg Scholarship, visit 分支

Scholarship selection is based on:

•    previous work/volunteer experiences
•    current high school transcript



William Littlejohn Professional Development Award is available to a College of Education undergraduate (freshman, 二年级学生, or junior) who is an active member of the Student Council for Exceptional Children or who has demonstrated an interest in special education. This award reflects Dr. Littlejohn’s long history of services to the Council of Exceptional Children and his commitment to ongoing professional development and growth.

的 award provides financial support towards attendance at a national or state conference/workshop related to special education or serving individuals with exceptionalities. Funds may be used for registration, travel expenses, and/or lodging. 的 recipient must show strong scholarship with a GPA of at least 3.0 and demonstrate potential for contribution to serving children with exceptionalities. 


  • Be an ISU undergraduate College of Education major,
  • Demonstrate strong scholarship by GPA of at least 3.0,
  • Demonstrate a record of service to the fields of education with interest in special education,
  • Demonstrate potential for contribution to the field of special education, and
  • Be selected by the 布隆伯格中心 Steering Council.

Littlejohn Professional Development Application