Dr. Kimberly "Kim" Bodey

Dr. Kimberly "Kim" Bodey
Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport, 部门 of
Health and Human 服务, College of


  • Ed.D. - Recreation, University of Arkansas - 2003
  • M.Ed. - 体育运动管理, University of Arkansas - 1997
  • Other - Sociology of Sport, University of Illinois - Urbana/Champaign - 1993
  • B.S. - Kinesiology, University of Illinois - Urbana/Champaign - 1991


  • 领导 & ethics, management principles, workplace law, governance & policy development, and facility design and management,


  • Teaching life skills through youth sport; policy & mandates re: coaching certifications
SPM 635 治理 & Compliance in 体育运动管理
SPM 631 Organizational 领导 & 道德 in Sport/Recreation
SPM 623 Law of Recreation and Sport
SPM 604 Assessment in 体育运动管理
RCSM 435 Legal Aspects of Recreation & 体育运动管理
RCSM 315 领导 & 道德
RCSM 210 Management Principles in Sport

EdD – 体育运动管理, Public Policy, University of Arkansas, 2003

MEd – 体育运动管理, University of Arkansas, 1997

BS – Kinesiology, University of Illinois, 1991

汤普森,M.迪芬巴赫,K.Schoenstedt L. J. & Bodey K. J. (2015年8月). Sportspersonship orientation scales and implications for sport coaches. ICCE Global Conference, Vierumäki, Finland

穆雷,M., & 他,K.Schoenstedt L., & Bodey K. J. (2015年3月). Goal orientation and professional behaviors of high school coaches. 美国. 西雅图,华盛顿州

穆雷,M., & 他,K., Bodey K. J., & Schoenstedt L. (2014年4月). Coaching, leadership, and morality: Fostering four foundational processes. Alliance for Health, Physical 教育, Recreation, and Dance. 密苏里州圣路易斯

胡佛,J., Bodey K. J., & 法官,我. W. (2013年11月). Youth sport specialization: Talking points for coaches. Indiana Association for Health, Physical 教育, Recreation and Dance Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana

穆雷,M.迪芬巴赫,K., Bodey K. J., & Schoenstedt L. (2013年9月). A values-based approach to teaching ethical decision-making in coaching education. 国际 Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) Global Coach Conference. Durban, South Africa

Bodey K. J.M .默里.Schoenstedt L.迪芬巴赫,K. (2013年9月). An examination of values and values education on moral process in coaching education. 国际 Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) Global Coach Conference. Durban, South Africa

Bodey K. J. (2012). Ethical decision-making. 在T. H. 索耶 & L. W. 法官(Eds.), The management of clubs, recreation, and sport: Concepts and applications (第二版.). Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing.

Bodey K. J. (2012). Advocating for success. 在T. H. 索耶 & L. W. 法官(Eds.), The management of clubs, recreation, and sport: Concepts and applications (第二版.). Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing.

Bodey K. J.纽约州绍姆菲尔(Schaumleffel. A., & Dolesh R. (2011). Politics and advocacy. 在米. Moiseichik (Ed.), Management of recreation and park services (第三艾德.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.

索耶,T. H., Bodey K. J., & 法官,我. W. (Eds.). (2008). Sport governance and policy development: An ethical approach to managing sport in the 21st century. Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing.

Bodey K. J.布林斯基,J.弗兰纳里,T., & Kuhlman J. (2008). The National Coaching Report: The state of coaching in the U.S. 雷斯顿,弗吉尼亚州:NASPE.


领导 and ethical decision-making, governance and policy development, and law as it applies to sport and coaching education