
955 Tobacco, Vapor, and Smoke Free 校园

Authority: Approved by the 校董会


澳门合法赌场官网 is committed to the health and wellness of its students, 教师, 和工作人员. This commitment is demonstrated by the Student Health Promotion and 校园 Recreation programs coordinated by the Division of 学生事务 by the efforts of the Employee Assistance Program coordinated through the Office of 人力资源, and by curricula and activities in several academic units throughout the University.

Documented research has substantiated the health problems caused by electronic 吸烟 devices, 水烟, 吸烟, 烟草制品, 被动烟. The General Assembly of the State of Indiana adopted the Indiana Clean Indoor Air Law which is applicable to all state entities in order to address concern for the health and wellness of all Indiana government employees and students. This law sets forth minimum standards but allows state agencies to adopt more stringent rules if desired. Both the City of Terre Haute and Vigo County have passed ordinances that prohibit or limit 吸烟 in public places and places of employment. 美国.S. government has enacted restrictions on the sale of 香烟s, 电子烟, and other devices in recognition of the health risks associated with 烟 and 烟草制品.


955.2.1 “Electronic Smoking Device” means any product containing or delivering nicotine or any other substance intended for human consumption that can be used by a person in any manner for the purpose of inhaling vapor or aerosol from the product. 该术语包括任何此类装置, 是否生产, 分布式, 销售, 或者作为电子烟出售, e-cigar, e-管, e-水烟, 或者电子烟笔, or under any other product name or descriptor.

955.2.2 “Hookah” means a water 管 and any associated products and devices used to produce fumes, 烟, and/or vapor from the 燃烧 of material, 包括但不限于, 烟草, 水烟, 或者其他植物物质.

955.2.3 “吸烟”的意思是吸入, 呼气, 燃烧, or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, 香烟, 管, 水烟, or any other lighted or heated 烟草 or plant product intended for inhalation, 包括大麻, 无论是天然的还是合成的, 以任何方式或形式. “Smoking” also includes the use of an electronic 吸烟 device, 产生气溶胶或蒸汽, 以任何方式或形式, or the use of any oral 吸烟 device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of 吸烟 in this Policy.

955.2.4 “Tobacco Product” means any substance containing 烟草 leaf, 包括但不限于 香烟s, 雪茄, 管烟草, 水烟烟草, 鼻烟, 咀嚼烟草, 浸渍烟草, 比迪烟, 充分发挥作用, 丁香香烟, or any other preparation of 烟草; and any product or formulation of matter containing biologically active amounts of nicotine that is manufactured, 出售, 出售, or otherwise 分布式 with the expectation that the product or matter will be introduced into the human body by inhalation; but does not include any cessation product specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug 政府 for use in treating nicotine or 烟草 dependence.


The sale of electronic 吸烟 devices, 水烟, 吸烟 and 烟草制品 is prohibited on university-owned, 操作, 或者租赁财产

955.4 Prohibition of Electronic Smoking Devices, Hookah, Smoking, and Tobacco Products Use

The use of electronic 吸烟 devices, 水烟, 吸烟, and 烟草制品 is prohibited on university-owned, 操作, 或者租赁财产.

955.4.1私家车例外. The use of legal electronic 吸烟 devices, 水烟, 吸烟, and/or 烟草制品 is permitted in the enclosed cabin of privately owned vehicles.

955.4.2 Exception for Inhaler Devices for Medical Use. Legal use of an inhaler device for medical purposes is not prohibited.

955.4.3其他例外. Any other exceptions for the use of electronic 吸烟 devices, 水烟, 吸烟, and/or 烟草制品 on university-owned, 操作, 或者租赁财产 will be limited to specific university-sponsored research in a controlled laboratory setting.


Enforcement of this policy will depend on the cooperation of all 教师, 工作人员, and students not only to comply with the policy, but also to encourage others to comply, in order to promote a healthy environment in which to work, 研究, 和生活. Peer ambassadors can assist with enforcement by providing policy education and connection to cessation resources to persons who violate the policy.


Policy violations may be reported to the ISU Police 部门. ISU Police will forward alleged policy violations by employees to the Office of 人力资源 for potential disciplinary action under Policy 562. Information about student violations of the policy will be referred to the Dean of 学生 for potential disciplinary action under the Code of Student Conduct.


(812) 237-4120
员工关系 形式 and Policies
Policy 955 was approved by the ISU 校董会 on June 20, 2008. Policy 955 was modified and approved by the 校董会 on May 8, 2020年生效,7月1日生效, 2020. Modifications were approved by the 校董会 on December 9, 2022.