
905 Whistleblower Protection

Authority: Approved by the Board of Trustees
Last updated on: December 10, 2021


Individuals are expected to abide by local, state and federal laws and regulations, as well as University policies. An Indiana State University employee cannot be compelled by a supervisor or other University official to violate a law or University policy.


Individuals who have knowledge of specific acts that are reasonably believed to violate the law or University policy (“Wrongdoing”) may disclose those acts to any appropriate University official, and any employment supervisor is obligated to report specific acts that are reasonably believed to be Wrongdoing. Anonymous reports may be made using the ISU Ethics and Compliance Hotline.  


This Policy prohibits retaliatory academic or employment action because an individual makes a good faith report of Wrongdoing.

905.4 Other Reporting Obligations

This policy supplements Indiana law under which employees and students may have an obligation to report possible criminal activity, including abuse or neglect of a minor.  ISU的员工, including student employees, may be required to report violations of ISU policy, and employees are obligated to be familiar with these reporting responsibilities.  

905.5 Development of Procedures

There shall be reporting procedures devised to handle a report of Wrongdoing and to respond to any reports of retaliation for making such a report.

Related Information

Policy Administrator:
Office of the 总法律顾问
Office of the 总法律顾问
(812) 237-4141
Policy passed by Board of Trustees on February 22, 2013. On December 10, 2021, the ISU Board of Trustees approved changes to Policy 905 Sectoin 905.1, 905.2, 905.4, 905.5