CSS Cybercrime Concentration Degree Map

CSS Cybercrime Concentration Degree Course Sequence by Term
The following is the suggested course sequence by term. Please keep in mind:

  • 学生 should meet with an faculty mentor or academic advisor to develop an individual education plan that meets their academic and career goals.
  • The course sequence is laid out by suggested term and may be affected when students enter the program at different times of the year or with possible transfer credits.
秋季第一年 学分
CRIM 150 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System 3
ENG 101 Freshman Writing 3
Foundational Studies: Health 3
Foundational Studies: GPCD 3
Foundational Studies: Social and Behavioral Sciences 3
  Total Credits Hours 15
元年 学分
CRIM 200 Criminology 3
CRIM 220 Introduction to Law Enforcement 3
ENG 105 Freshman Writing II 3
Foundational Studies: 沟通 3
Foundational Studies: Quantitative Literacy/Mathematics 3
  Total Credits Hours 15
第二年秋季 学分
Foundational Studies: Literary Studies 3
Foundational Studies: Fine and Performing Arts 3
Foundational Studies: Laboratory Sciences 4
CSS 130 Cyber Crime Fundamentals I 3
Major Directed Elective 3
  Total Credits Hours 16
第二年春 学分
Foundational Studies: 历史 3
Foundational Studies: Ethics and Social Responsibility 3
CSS 131 Cyber Fundamentals II 3
Major Directed Elective 3
选修或辅修 3
  Total Credits Hours 15
秋季第三年 学分
CRIM 420 Criminal Law and Procedure 3
CSS 310 Cyber Crime Investigation 3
CSS 427 Cybercriminology 3
Major Directed Elective 3
选修或辅修 3
  Total Credits Hours 15
第三年 学分
CRIM 435 Criminal Investigation 3
CSS 430 Cyber Security 3
Foundational Studies: Junior Composition 3
Foundational Studies: UDIE 3
Major Directed Elective 3
  Total Credits Hours 15
秋季第四年 学分
CRIM 440 Ethics in Criminal Justice 3
CSS 435 Social Engineering 3
选修或辅修 3
选修或辅修 3
选修或辅修 3
  Total Credits Hours 15
春四 学分
CRIM 316 Criminal Justice Report Writing 3
Foundational Studies: UDIE 3
选修或辅修 3
选修或辅修 3
选修或辅修 3
  Total Credits Hours 15
Total Credits Hours to 研究生 121