The 部门 of Languages, Literatures and 语言学 offers both lower- and upper-division 基础研究 courses. The learning objectives for 基础研究 Courses can be found 在这里. 基础研究 courses offered by LLL include the following:

基础研究: Global Perspectives and Cultural Diversity (GPCD)

学生 who have not completed the Non-native language requirement (NNL) in high school will complete GPCD by successfully completing two non-native language courses at ISU. Many 101 and 102 courses can be found under a specific language prefix, but t在这里 are also several languages that are offered as LLL 101 (less commonly taught languages). Below you will find a list of recently offered 101 courses. (请参阅 动态调度 for the upcoming semester offerings.)

  • Ancient Greek 101 - GRK 101, 102
  • 法语101 -法语101,法语102
  • 德语101 - GERM 101, 102
  • Japanese 101 - JAPN 101, 102
  • 韩国语101 - ll 101
  • 拉丁语101 - LAT 101, 102
  • Spanish 101 - SPAN 101, 102

For new students who have already completed the NNL requirement (2 years or equivalent of a foreign language at C- or better in HS), they will complete the category by taking one of the approved GPCD courses. 

国际 学生 for whom 英语 is a foreign language are required to take the 英语 Language Placement Test during their New Student Orientation.  The completion of the following courses in Languages, Literatures and 语言学 allow the student to meet the Non-native Language Requirement.

  • ESL 103A, 英语 as a Second Language
  • ESL103B, Writing 英语 as a Second Language

基础研究: Literary Studies (LS)

LAT 215

In keeping with the overall learning goals for 基础研究 courses, Latin 215 (Classical Mythology) introduces students to the variety, 复杂性, and richness of Classical Greek and Roman mythology in order to not only place these myths within their original social and historical contexts but also, 同时, consider their continued influence on Western 艺术, 认为, 和文化. 学生们会看到, this influence extends well beyond the obvious realms of literature and other 艺术s to a broad range of academic disciplines from astronomy to zoology. The course assignments will help students achieve these goals. This course is conducted in 英语. 请查看 动态调度 for the upcoming semester offerings.

基础研究: Historical Perspectives (HS)

LAT 311

LAT 311 (Introduction to Roman Culture) introduces students to the complex and influential 文化 of the ancient Roman world from its 7th century BC beginnings as a small hill town on the Italian peninsula through its growth into a vast empire composed of diverse peoples living in Europe, 非洲, 和亚洲. Our study focuses on the experiences of individuals in relation to the complex personal, 经济, 政治, 艺术, and religious systems developed in the Roman world over more than 1000 years. The course requires students not only to study the Romans within their original social and historical contexts but also to reflect upon their continued influence on modern 艺术, 认为, 文化, 和机构. 学生 consider the record left by the Romans themselves in literature, 艺术, 和考古学, alongside  academic and critical interpretations of modern scholars to fulfill the Historical Perspectives learning objectives. This course is conducted in 英语. 请查看 动态调度 for the upcoming semester offerings.

基础研究: Upper Division Integrated Elective (UDIE)*


350年大典时 courses are interdisciplinary studies in languages, 文献, or linguistics. Each course is a thematic investigation of a p艺术icular topic or issue in languages, 文献, or linguistics that integrates multiple ways of knowing through critical reading and a project or research involving analysis and writing at an advanced level. 主题各不相同. 350年大典时 is repeatable when topics are different. Courses are taught in 英语.  请查看 动态调度 for the upcoming semester offerings.

*- Veterans who have served on an overseas deployment are exempt from the FS UDIE