

欢迎来到澳门合法赌场官网和游行的梧桐树! This page contains important information about our Preseason 乐队营, 哪一个将在八月举行, 这是我们2024赛季的正式开始! Here you will find important information regarding move-in schedules, 排练, 住宿和膳食, 联系信息, 还有更多. Please make sure to review all of the information included on this page.


Sign up to join the 2024 ISU 游行悬铃木 today by filling out the 'Intent to March' form and receive information related to our upcoming season! 在我们庆祝国际滑联乐队项目成立100周年之际, 我们有一个伟大的一年计划,包括客场比赛旅行, 我们的梧桐乐队游行日, 同学会校友乐队, 还有更多!

行进的梧桐树是开放的管乐器演奏家(短笛/长笛, 单簧管, 中音萨克斯, 中音萨克斯风, 小号, 美乐号, 长号, 男中音, 低音喇叭), Drumline(陷阱, 男高音, 低音, 钹), 还有守卫乐队和旋转乐队.

Complete this form by July 1 to guarantee a drill spot in 赛前 and the first Halftime Show. Those who submit after July 1 will be allowed to participate, but may have an alternate drill spot. Those interested in Colorguard and Twirler will need to submit additional information and a video audition by July 1 (to be sent out soon).

搬迁意向表: http://forms.Offices.com/r/2vXiq3ZhAH



All members of the 游行悬铃木 should plan to arrive on campus for Preseason 乐队营 on the following days. 具体时间请参考上面的营地时间表标签, 以及乐队营活动的详细日程安排. DO NOT arrive earlier than your expected report time as there will be no housing for you! Arriving later than your expected report time would also be a bad thing and could jeopardize your ability to participate as a member of the 游行悬铃木. A detailed preseason camp schedule will be sent to members registered for camp.

  • 8月6日星期二或8月7日星期三:领导团队报告
  • 8月9日星期五:鼓线 & Colorguard报告
  • 8月11日星期日:All Winds报告. 这是季前赛乐队训练营的正式开始
  • 8月16日星期五:夏令营的最后一天 
  • Saturday, August 17 : NO CAMP ACTIVITIES (SOM large ensemble auditions)
  • 8月18日星期日:毕业典礼 & 穿过拱门 
  • Wednesday, August 21 : Start of 排练 during course meeting time (MWF, 3:15-5:15pm)


All members of the 游行悬铃木 must register for the class* (1 credit). Without registering, we cannot pay for your early move-in fees, your meal card, or your apparel. 正确的课程代码如下:

MUS 109(大一和大二)

  • 第1条(CRN 50002 - 1学分)
  • 第2部分(CRN 50549 - 0学分)*

MUS 409(大三和大四)

  • 第1部分(CRN 50075 - 1学分)
  • 第2部分(CRN 50652 - 0学分)*

* (学生 may only take the course for zero credit if they are at 18 credit hours already. 请联系博士. Rodriguez获取更多信息.)



注意: 如果你住在校外,请提供以下信息  属于你.*

When you arrive, report directly to your assigned residence hall.* You should have received an email (through your ISU email address) earlier in the summer, 详细说明你的房屋分配. A 住宅生活 member will meet you at the front desk to give you your room key. 如果你还没有让我们知道你的住房分配, 我们将与您联系以获取相关信息, 这样我们就能支付你的早期入住费用了.

* (领导 members may be required to move into temporary housing until Friday August 9 so be prepared to move your stuff into your permanent dorm on that day while everyone else is registering.)


The 游行悬铃木 will provide members with a meal card that covers food costs until University meal plans are active. Your meal card can be used at the ISU Commons (fast food options are available) and at the ISU Dining Hall.

不要把餐卡弄丢了. 如果您弄丢了餐卡,请让Dr. Rodriguez and the program managers know so we can cancel the balance and issue a replacement (if available).

重要提示: For members who have their early move-in housing fees and meal cards paid for by the 游行悬铃木, please be aware that if the member ends up not coming to band camp, 或者在赛季结束前退出乐队, 他们将被收取住宿费和餐费.



《澳门赌场玩法官网》的热身曲, 赛前, and first Halftime show will be sent to members that have completed the “Intent to March” form above by July 1 in an electronic format. 只要你参加季前赛乐队训练营, you will be given access to all season sheet music on the Beam 音乐 app.


学生 needing to rent a university-owned instrument can do so at Preseason 乐队营 Registration. 可用的仪器供应有限. The 游行悬铃木 will cover your rental fee you play Sousaphone or are in Drumline. 其他仪器的租金为每学期60美元, which covers the cost of maintenance and any necessary repairs throughout the semester.


If you are a member of a drum and bugle corps for the upcoming season, 你还是行军梧桐树的一员. 你必须发邮件给医生。. 罗德里格斯尽快处理这件事!



A “What to Bring” list will be sent out to all members registered for Preseason 乐队营.


  • Formal Uniform – The formal 游行悬铃木 uniform is issued to all winds and percussionists at no charge. 制服由制服外套、围腰和头巾组成. 它将在季前赛乐队训练营期间发布, along with a parka to be worn over the uniform during inclement weather.
  • 2024 T-Shirt – The 2024 游行悬铃木 t-shirt is a part of our alternate uniform (‘B’ Uniform) that we use for specific performances and 排练. If you lose or damage your provided t-shirt, you are required to purchase a replacement shirt.
  • 2024 Ballcap – The official 游行悬铃木 baseball cap is to be worn by all instrumentalists as part of the formal uniform in the stands and with the ‘B’ uniform. 这顶帽子只在演出时使用, 不应该在排练或日常着装中使用.
  • Custom Drawstring Bag and Water Bottle - These items are only given to be used during ISU game day to bring performance and personal items into the stands at Memorial Stadium.
  • Phone e-Clip – Every wind player will have the option of checking out a custom 梧桐乐队 e-clip that clips their cellphone to the lyre. You can choose not to check one out if you already own a similar product. 我们不提供竖琴(竖琴由您自己负责携带)
  • 终极练习手册 & BEAM – The 游行悬铃木 will provide you login codes to access our drill and sheet music using the UDB and Beam apps.
  • Football Guest Tickets – Each member of the ISU 游行悬铃木 is eligible to receive two (2) free guest tickets to each Indiana State University home football game. Ticket reservations are due by 12:00pm on the Wednesday prior to the Saturday football game. 


如有疑问或了解更多信息,请联系Dr. 罗德里格斯,运动乐队总监 以马内利.rodriguez@germancontrol.net.
